Twitter Blue Relaunch Falls Short: Earns Only $11M on Mobile in First 3 Months

Topics to be discussed:

  • What is Twitter Blue and how does it work?
  • The relaunch of Twitter Blue: What changed?
  • Why did the relaunch fall short in terms of revenue?
  • Twitter's financial position and the impact of the relaunch

What does the future hold for Twitter Blue and subscription models on social media?

Twitter Blue is a subscription service launched by Twitter in June 2021. The service offers a range of features and perks, including ad-free browsing, bookmark folders, and customizable app icons. The service was recently relaunched with new features and a renewed marketing push, but has reportedly fallen short of revenue expectations, earning just $11M on mobile in its first 3 months.

What is Twitter Blue and how does it work?

Twitter Blue is a subscription service that allows users to access a range of exclusive features and perks not available to regular users. For a monthly fee, subscribers can enjoy an ad-free experience, create custom bookmark folders, and access customizable app icons. Twitter Blue also offers a "Reader Mode" feature, which makes it easier to read long-form content by stripping away distracting elements like ads and formatting.

The relaunch of Twitter Blue: What changed?

Twitter recently relaunched Twitter Blue with new features and an updated marketing strategy. In addition to its existing features, Twitter Blue now offers a "Undo Tweet" button, which allows users to retract tweets within a few seconds of posting them. The service also includes a new "Collections" feature, which allows users to group their bookmarked tweets into curated lists. Additionally, the relaunch included a new marketing push, with Twitter promoting the service more heavily in its app and on its website. Visit TechCrunch to learn more.

Why did the relaunch fall short in terms of revenue?

Despite the new features and marketing push, Twitter Blue has reportedly fallen short of revenue expectations, earning just $11M on mobile in its first 3 months. There are several potential reasons for this. One is that Twitter Blue's subscription fee may be too high for some users, particularly given the availability of free alternatives. Additionally, some users may not see the value in the exclusive features offered by Twitter Blue, or may not be aware of the service's existence. Finally, Twitter's marketing efforts may not have been effective enough in reaching potential subscribers.

Twitter's financial position and the impact of the relaunch:

Twitter's financial position has been a subject of scrutiny in recent years, with the company struggling to achieve consistent profitability. The lackluster performance of Twitter Blue's relaunch is unlikely to have a significant impact on the company's overall financial situation, as the service represents only a small portion of Twitter's revenue stream. However, it is possible that the disappointing performance could lead Twitter to reevaluate its subscription strategy and shift its focus to other revenue streams.

What does the future hold for Twitter Blue and subscription models on social media?

The future of Twitter Blue and other subscription models on social media remains unclear. While some users are willing to pay for exclusive features and perks, it is uncertain whether there is a broad enough market to sustain subscription services on a large scale. Additionally, the success of subscription services like Twitter Blue may depend on the perceived value of the features offered and the effectiveness of marketing efforts. As social media platforms continue to explore new revenue models, it will be interesting to see whether subscription services gain traction and become a more significant source of revenue. Don't forget to signup on JacketsMOB for more exciting updates.


(Q) Can I try Twitter Blue before subscribing?

(A) Yes, Twitter offers a 30-day free trial for new subscribers to try out Twitter Blue before committing to a monthly subscription.

(Q) How do I subscribe to Twitter Blue?

(A) To subscribe to Twitter Blue, you can navigate to the "Twitter Blue" section of your Twitter settings and select "Subscribe". You will then be prompted to enter your payment information and confirm your subscription.

(Q) Can I cancel my Twitter Blue subscription at any time?

(A) Yes, subscribers can cancel their Twitter Blue subscription at any time. Simply navigate to the "Twitter Blue" section of your Twitter settings and select "Cancel Subscription".

(Q) What happens to my Twitter Blue features if I cancel my subscription?

(A) If you cancel your Twitter Blue subscription, you will lose access to all of the exclusive features and perks offered by the service. Your account will revert to a regular Twitter account.

(Q) Are there any discounts or promotions available for Twitter Blue?

(A) Twitter occasionally offers promotions or discounts for Twitter Blue subscriptions. Additionally, some mobile carriers and credit card companies offer special deals for Twitter Blue subscribers.

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